5 unexpected uses for tampons
However, as a product for women, tampons can save us in some unexpected situations.
The pads are sterile and highly absorbent so they can be used as wound dressings. In fact, doctors used them during the war when there was a shortage of bandages. They are also used to seal gunshot wounds.
You can also use pads to cover your knees and elbows when you participate in physical activities that involve a lot of collisions and injuries, such as: e.g. skating, soccer, etc.
Cover your mouth to escape the fire
If you’re trapped in a burning, smoky house, soak a tampon in water and cover your mouth to escape. You can also dip the tampon in water and insert it into the door slot to prevent smoke from entering the room for a moment. In this case, of course, the tampons cost a lot.
Pure water
If you’re trapped in the woods and the only source of water is a standing well, use tampons as a coarse filter. While it doesn’t remove microscopic dust, it also limits dirt. After straining it many times, you can boil it to disinfect it.
You cut off part of the bottom of the water bottle, cap the bottle, and turn it upside down. Cut off the bottom layer of the tampon and place it upside down on the water bottle. Pour water slowly over the filter mat.
Absorbs sweat from armpits and legs.
If you do a lot of physical activity in summer, wearing tampons under your arm and as shoe inserts helps to absorb sweat and effectively prevent odor build-up.
the drills
The inner layer of tampons absorbs water well and retains a lot of moisture. This is the right environment for the seeds to germinate. You can moisten a tampon, cut off the top layer and spread the seeds. After 3-5 days the seeds will germinate.
smart upgrade (Continue Business Insider/Taitrick)