adidas shoes at half price this weekend
VnExpress is offering up to 50% off Adidas Originals waterproof sneakers, running shoes and sandals this weekend.
This is an opportunity for customers to purchase genuine Adidas products at a discount of 30% to 50%. In addition to the good price, customers get free shipping from an order value of 1.99 million VND. For orders under this value, Shop VnExpress also grants a shipping fee of 35,000 VND when purchasing 1 product and 50,000 VND when purchasing 2 or more products.
These are the products with great discounts in VnExpress Store for 3 days this weekend:

Adidas Daily 2.0 Running Shoes B44710, 50% off original price, only VND1.19M. Unlike traditional sports shoes, the Adidas Daily sneaker has a “thinner” design that outweighs disadvantages such as gross and unsightly features. The sole of the shoe is designed in the style of a 3 cm high canoe sole, which creates elasticity and helps the wearer to “fake” their height.

Adidas Superstar DJ FV3033 shoes for men and women – Known as the “must-have” of youth, the shoes once took the fashion forums by storm. The shoes feature classic colorways inspired by the original colorway of five iconic adidas basketball shoes. Price reduced by 40% to 1.69 million, all sizes from 36 to 40.5.

Original Adidas RunFalcon F36199 running shoes have a good price compared to the market, only 1.39 million VND (original price 1.98 million VND). This is a line of running shoes with a simple and classic design with adidas features to create a luxurious and sophisticated look. The sleek black color is easy to mix and match in any situation.

Original Adidas Adidas Grand Court Base EE7901 running shoes with shoe sizes from 37 ⅓ to 42 ⅔, suitable for many foot sizes. Classic shoes are revisited with a modern look and fresh materials. The suede upper is accented with contrasting 3-Stripes for easy pairing with any outfit. The discount price ranges from 35% to VND1.69 million; Customers will also receive 35,000 VND shipping fee if they purchase this product from Shop VnExpress.

The original Adidas Grand Court Base EE7904 shoes are a combination of classic fashion styles. The shoes are inspired by the shoes of the 70s, the main tone white combined with Adidas’ typical black 3-Stripes to give it a character all of its own. The inside has a very soft night layer that provides a soft touch. The product was discounted to VND1.69 million (34% less than the original price).
In addition to sports shoes, through the VnExpress Shop system, customers can buy other waterproof sandals from the Adidas brand at a 37% discount for only VND 430,000:

Authentic Adidas Adilette Aqua F35543 molded sandals made of antibacterial Eva material against foot odor. The product is very light, waterproof and non-slip. The product runs small, so customers with horizontal legs should choose one size larger.

Authentic Adidas Adilette Aqua Waterproof Molded Sandals with Black, Dark Blue, Moss Green, Gray, Light Purple, Pink colors for customers to choose at will. Monolithic slippers without the use of glue, high quality materials … can be used in slippery areas such as bathrooms, swimming pools …
In addition to the above items, Shop VnExpress has many other Adidas branded products that are sold at bargain prices. See more information and buy here.