An easy way to save money on a small income
You don’t have to have a very high salary to save money if you use the following 8 ways.
Don’t give in to the ads, give in to the mindless browsing
On average, we are bombarded with more than 4,000 ads every day. The growing presence of e-commerce makes it easier for marketers to reach potential targets.
It’s easy to give in to alluring ads and images. So before you order, ask yourself, “Do I really need this? If I don’t see this ad, will I buy it?”
If the answer is yes, the 72-hour rule will be implemented, which means the purchase will be delayed by just over 72 hours. If you still want to buy after this period, it means you have a real need. Usually, most people have enough reasons not to buy it or forget it after 72 hours.
Always have a shopping list
Making a shopping list before you buy will help you know exactly what you need to buy. Conversely, if you don’t have a list, it’s easy to make spontaneous or unplanned purchases.
cook at home
If you eat 5 meals a week, you spend an average of 200,000 each time, which costs you 4 million VND a month, plus other meals.
Instead of going out to eat, invite your friends to cook for you. Cooking at home isn’t necessarily cheaper, but you already know what to buy to cook. If you spend some time prepping over the weekend, you can can or freeze foods for quick weekday processing.
Over time, as you get better at cooking, you can turn it into a hobby. Trying new recipes and ingredients is not only a way to save money, but also a way to bring joy.
don’t save any money
Savings in a regular account will amortize the amount due to rising inflation. This might be the right time to start thinking about investing. Investing doesn’t always have to be risky.
Consider the safest and risk-free investment strategy to invest your money.
room for rent
This gives you passive income and helps with your rent or mortgage payments.
Before booking someone, do a background check and ask for full information. Remember that this person will live in your home so make sure they are safe.
Sell what you don’t need
If you rummage through your closet now, you’ll find at least 10 things ready to be smashed.
Today, there are many consignment shops for second-hand clothing and accessories in Vietnam. You should probably deposit items you deem worthless. By tidying up your stuff, you will have an easier life.
Not only will you save money, but you’ll also save time choosing furniture or realizing you don’t need as big a house as you have now.
Disconnect devices when not in use
According to the US Department of Energy, 5-10% of the electricity in American homes comes from devices that are plugged in 24 hours a day.
This is especially true for desktop computers and televisions. It’s awkward, but get used to unplugging these devices. You can save some money in the long run.
Try to fix everything yourself
One way to save money is to learn how to fix things like appliances or motorcycles. One of the things that costs us a lot of money is broken furniture. Instead of calling a repair service, play with your devices.
Not only do you save money, but you can also be proactive in problem-solving situations.
smart update (Continue earn money)