Why you shouldn’t wash your face with a towel
Most of us think of the toilet seat as the place where most of the bacteria in the house collects, but actually it’s the towel.
Towels cause acne
Towels are a breeding ground for bacteria because most people keep them in the bathroom, where the humid air is the perfect environment for bacteria to grow. When you wash a towel over your face you bring all those bacteria onto your skin and clog blemishes and pores.
Even if you use a separate towel for your face and not your body, you may want to do your daily laundry or dry immediately. This is an opportunity for unwanted bacteria to attack the skin.
Using a face towel can also cause skin redness and irritation.
rapid aging
Towels are so rough that rubbing them too hard can cause small tears in the skin that can cause skin infections and wrinkles. The more often you wash, the more fragile the fabric becomes and the friction that occurs during exfoliation has a major impact on the skin.
Reduce the effectiveness of skin care products.
It’s natural for your face to feel dry after washing it, but the reality is that your skin won’t be able to absorb the maximum amount of skincare products you put on. Moisturizers penetrate the skin better because the water evaporates from the face.
For this reason, it is advisable to stop towel drying the face to retain the necessary moisture and help the skin look young and radiant.
oily skin
It may seem like a contradiction, but the more you cleanse your skin, the oilier it gets. The dry towel removes the natural oils that skin needs to stay healthy. The sebaceous glands beneath the skin’s surface need to produce more oil to balance dry and oily skin.
A simple and effective way to dry your face without a towel is to wash your face as you normally would, then allow it to dry naturally, and then apply your favorite moisturizer.
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